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2008:Dagsordner og referater fra arbejdsgruppe møderne i LDRAC


3rd Meeting of Working Group 1 of the LDRAC

Highly migratory stocks and relevant regional fisheries management organizations

 Madrid, 18th  2008 from 9:30 a.m. to 13:30 p.m

 1- Reading and approval of the minutes of the second WG1 meeting the 2nd April 2008.

 2- Approval of the Agenda.

 3- Presidency of WG1.

 4- Approval of the IUU regulation: implementation measures.

 5- Proposal of advice regarding the harmonization of the capture data in the RFMO (Mr Ulloa)

 6- Proposal of advice regarding improvement of European scientific expertise in tuna RFMO scientific councils (Mr Goujon)

7- Report about the Harmonization and reinforcement of the effectiveness of means of control in tuna RFMO (Ms Bours).

8- Proposal of advice about technical measures of conservation of certain populations of highly migratory fish species: swordfish (Mr Ulloa).

9- Reflection about the limitation of the capacity of the fleet (reflection subgroup dealing with the debate about the capacity).

10- AOB.

11- Date and place of the next meeting.

12- Conclusion.

3rd Meeting of Working Group 2 of the LDRAC

Regional  Fisheries Organizations and  North Atlantic Agreements


Madrid, the 17th September 2008 from 9:30 to 13:30

 1- Reading and approval of the minutes of the second WG2 meeting the 9th April 2008.

 2- Approval of the Agenda.

 3- Apologies.

 4- Redfish Irminger Sea.

 5- NEAFC I/II redfish fishery.

 6- Greenland cod recovery plan.

 7- Faeroes Agreement.

 8- Iceland Technical measures.

 9- LDRAC Position regarding next meeting of NAFO, 22-26 September, Vigo.

10- AOB.

11- Time and Place of next meeting.


Working Group 4 Meeting of the LDRAC

Bilateral relations with third countries


Madrid, 18th September 2008 from 14:30 p.m.to 17:00 p.m

1- Reading and approval of the minutes of the second WG4 meeting the 2nd April 2008.

2- Approval of the Agenda.

3- Current situation of negotiations and inputs of the meetings dealing with agreements with third countries or regions: Guinea Conakry, Seychelles, Ivory Coast, Kiribati, Solomon Islands, Micronesia, Mozambique and Morocco.

4- New EU-Mauritania fisheries partnership protocol.

5- State of play of the renegotiation of the Agreements with Mauritius and Senegal. Private fisheries agreements in third countries EEZ.

6- Potential fisheries-grounds: Indian Ocean (India, etc.), Halifax, Coast of Boston, etc.

7- Results of the reports about Liberia and Sierra Leona.

8- Factors affecting current and future presence of the fleets in international water and in third countries EEZ (including legal and physical uncertainty, increasing fishing capacity of coastal countries, etc)

9- AOB.

10- Place and date of the next meeting.

11- Closure.


Working Group 5 Meeting of the LDRAC

Horizontal issues


Madrid, 17th September 2008 from 15:30 to 18:30h.

1-      Reading and approval of the minutes of the second WG5 meeting the 1 April 2008.

2-      Approval of the agenda.

3-      State of play of the EPA with ACP countries.

4-      The Rules of origin in the GSP countries: modification of the requirement of the crew nationality (vid. WG5 LDRAC advice)

5-      New GSP Regulation: countries included in the new regime, possible modifications regarding the beneficiary countries, graduated products, etc.

6-      Current negotiations or negotiations in preparation: Ukraine, ASEAN, Andean Community, Central America, MERCOSUR, India, South Korea, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia and Israel (update by the EC).

7-      Approval of the IUU Regulation: implementing measures.

8-      Position of the LDRAC about the EC consultation regarding the future relations with OCT countries.

9-      Negotiations in the WTO: NAMA and subsidies.

10-  State of play of the evaluation of the CMO.

11-  International Competitiveness of the fleet (analysis of the report made by Ocèanique Development)

12-  Proposal about the coordination among the RACs and other Consultative bodies (Mr J. A. Suárez Llanos).

13-  AOB.

14-  Date of the next Meeting.

15-   Closure.









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