The resolution for L.L.H.

An extract from the resolution..

§ 1 The name of the society is Landsforeningen "Levende Hav". The society is based in Nørre Djurs kommune.

§ 2 The main objectives of the society are:

- to work for the conservation of the maritime landscape and ensure the diversity of species in the associated flora and fauna.

- to work for the future generations and their fisheries based on ecological principles that are sustainable both economically and socially and that ensures the employment in the trades different units.

The main objectives of the Landsforening are sought accomplished through:

To establish a forum on sea politics that discusses, comments and works with suggestions for activities in the marine landscape on the basis of resource conservation and ecology.

Actively to support and contribute to:

- a fisheries policy that are founded on the precautionary approach in the utilisation of the seas fish resources.

- an introduction of fish and fisheries products that are caught and manufactured according to ecological principles.

- an exchange of established know how on sea-ecology and fisheries related problems internationally - especially to development areas.

- an information about the sea as a natural and cultural landscape, both the education of people to inform and the production of information materials and documentation.

- a restoring, re-establishing and conserving arrangement for the biotopes where it is necessary. With the intention to ensure spawning, breeding and forage areas and areas of scientific and recreative interest.

- a stop or a limitation of any kind of pollution of the sea environment.

§ 3 The organisation of the Landsforening:

The general assembly of the society is its supreme authority. The board of directors that lay down the over-all policy of the society. A secretariat for the everyday management. And a number of working and project groups. The working and project groups organises themselves locally or connected to specific subjects or tasks.

The fourth unit in the society is "Havpolitisk Forum" ("Sea Political Forum") all members of the society can participate in the forum. For the "Havpolitisk Forum" individuals and representatives from institutions and organisations concerned with the sea can be invited. The "Havpolitisk Forum" is advisory for the board of directors.